
The word Kobudo means "Ancient weapon way" and as the word indicates it is the art of using weapons. All the weapons used in Kobudo were formerly the farmers or fishermen tools and later used to defend against enemies

There are two main styles of Kobudo, the Matayoshi Ryu Ha and Shinken Taira style. Our style is Jinbukan Kobudo and was founded and taught by Sensei Kasuyoshi Kanei, 9th Dan Kobudo. He was a student of both Senseis': Matayoshi and Shinken Taira. Sensei Kanei passed away in 1993 leaving

The instructor trained under Sensei J. Measara, 7th Dan Kobudo (he has trained under Sensei Matayoshi) and Sensei: VAM Iqbal 4th Dan Kobudo Our style trains weapons such as Bo, Sai, Tonfa, Nunchaku, Kama, Eku (boat rowing equipment), Nunte, Son satsu kon, Sonchaku, Tinbe etc. In martial art, weapons are the advanced staged. With unarmed Karate, the Kobudo makes an ideal complement and combination


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